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WordPress Plugins

WordPress is likely the simplest way to create your online presence. Just having one isn't enough, though, it has to be functional, too! This is where WordPress plugins come to the rescue. With over 50,000 plugins in the WordPress repository available, you can use the one you need to add the wanted options to your site. In this section, you will find our, tried and tested, plugin recommendations!

Top 5 Plugins You Want to Have on Your WordPress Multisite: A List of Handy and Time-Saving Tools

WordPress, a platform for creating websites and blogs with a multitude of features and plugins, even offers the ability to manage multiple websites from a single dashboard. This is possible through the WordPress Multisite feature that allows you to create a network of websites where all the sites share the same WordPress installation core files.…

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Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce: The Perfect Tool for Scaling Your Business Faster

Google Analytics is immensely popular, and many use it to track various metrics as well as keep an eye on their growth goals in general. This is especially useful for eCommerce or, more specifically, WooCommerce stores as it can provide valuable information that could help anyone tap into new markets. However, if you're just using…

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