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10 Best Solutions to Drive More Website Traffic in 2022

9 Best Solutions to Drive More Website Traffic in 2022

It's a proven fact that every business needs to present themselves in the best way for better sales. You probably have your website and content related to your market if you own a business. But what if nearly no one visits your well-designed and super fast website? You won't make any sales, and there will be no revenue.

This is why you need to know about strategies and techniques that help you drive more visitors to your website. Therefore, you will have much more potential leads. But keep in mind this doesn't necessarily mean a higher conversion rate.

This article will go through some proven solutions to drive website traffic. So, stay with us and boost your business revenue in no time.

Best Solutions to Drive More Website Traffic

Let's see what these techniques that we are talking about are:

Always Answer Niche-Specific Questions

It doesn't matter which niche you are working in and what stage of your customer's buyer journey. They always have questions. And you have to respond to these questions. This way, you will get your brand in front of your customers.

But how to find these potential questions? You know your niche better than anyone, but a simple way is to open up your google and type anything related to your industry. You will find the most common questions customers ask. Of course, you need more specific tools in the future. So, don't stop here.

Design Outstanding Visuals

Probably you are thinking to yourself, this is obvious and doesn't need to be on the list at all. Yes, and No. Yes, it is evident because the more beautiful and unique your website is, the more visitors you'll get. But what about the No part?

It has to be on the list because most businesses don't pay much attention or do it incorrectly. To have a great design, you need to know your customers and their behavior. Website visitor tracking is an effective way to help you in this matter.

There is multiple software in the market that provide this feature. WatchThemLive is one of the best visitor tracking platforms in this case. WTL will provide you with multiple services to know your customers deeply, such as heatmaps, visitor tracking, session recordings, etc.

Using such a tool, you can optimize your website according to your visitors' needs to increase conversions.

Consider the Potential of Social Media

We are living in an era where everything is online. People are constantly scrolling through their social accounts to find new information. This is a massive opportunity.

Consider Instagram, for example. According to a Statista report, about 62% of Instagram users are 18-34 years old. Imagine you are a business where your target audiences are in this age range. There are so many potential leads just waiting there for you to reach out to them. In this case, you need to use the best Instagram growth service to take advantage of this potential.

You need to use services that can help you grow your Instagram account. These services will schedule Instagram posts for you and help you get more followers. Use them wisely to impress your target market on Instagram.

Don't Underestimate Word of Mouth

Yes, this phrase is still reliable in 2022. As we said before, social media has changed our lives a lot. But some things never change. People share their experiences. Customers are talking about their experiences on blogs and social media all the time. This can be devastating and profitable at the same time.

Try to make an excellent experience for your customers, and they will do the rest for you. Provide them with channels to speak about their journey through your website, and don't be afraid of the flaws. Just make sure to solve them immediately.

Reach Out to Influencers

We, as humans, are constantly inspiring each other. We like to learn from each other and sometimes be like someone else. It's true, wrong, or right. And you as a business can use this to your advantage.

Any influencer can be your brand ambassador. Thanks to social media and the internet era, they have their best time. People will listen to them and buy what they buy. Your job is to find the best influencers for your niche. It depends on your company size and budget.

After you find the influencers, reach out to them. Make sure they understand your product well enough. Then it's time for the magic. One post or blog, and you will see the result yourself.

You need to rely on a solid influencer marketing platform to find the ideal influencers. Enter Ainfluencer.

Ainfluencer is a straightforward marketing platform that makes connecting easy for businesses and Instagram influencers. Businesses can reach new and engaged audiences with influencers, and influencers can earn money from sponsored posts. It's a perfect relationship.

Join Ainfluencer today and start searching through thousands of influencers and businesses.

Invest in Organic Traffic

According to a Searchengineland study, 51% of website traffic comes from organic search. This alone shows you the importance of investing in an experienced SEO team. As a business competing with your rivals, you need to focus on this strategy. Ensure your SEO team with the right tools and ask them to give suggestions to optimize your website for organic searches.

Create YouTube Tutorials

YouTube is the most impactful media for learning new skills. There are billions of videos that can be seen easily in no time. YouTube is currently the second platform that is used for search.

To use this potential, make sure you create tutorial videos about every aspect of your niche. Tell your teams to provide you with small videos about everything they do that can be educational for others. This way, besides being active on YouTube, you will make an excellent database for further usage.

Do Guest Posting

Guest posting means that websites and businesses help each other get more traffic. You can use this technique to reach out to websites with the qualities you're looking for. These qualities can be:

After considering all these factors, start collaborating with them and providing high-quality content.

Update Existing Content

If you have blog posts that are performing well, keep an eye on them. Make sure you make them better and complete them over time. There are tools like Google Search Console that will help you to find these posts.

Find them, work on them, and don't let them get dusted.

Use Poll Maker

Another great way to increase traffic to your websites is voting and elections. To add a responsive poll to your website you may make use of the WordPress Poll plugin. The Poll Maker plugin has various poll types which will help you to add engaging content to your website. Using the plugin you will be able to create Versus polls, Voting polls, Text polls, Choosing polls, Dropdown polls, Rating polls etc. Make sure to go to the demo page to see what results you can reach using the Poll Maker plugin.


As discussed in this article, just having a well-performing website isn't enough for your success. You need actual visitors that convert to long-term customers. This article taught you the nine best solutions to attract more traffic to your website. Use them immediately and see the result yourself.

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