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Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Website Positioning

Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Website Positioning

Nowadays, the competition on the internet is fierce. There's no way to build a website and wait for the customers to come without doing anything to win them over. But although everyone knows that such a thing as web positioning exists, most people have no clue how it exactly works. That's why we prepared a list of five essential facts every website owner should know about search engine optimization.

Site Speed Matters

It may not seem of great importance, but site speed is one of the most crucial factors for website positioning. If your page loads faster, it isn't in danger of large-scale bounce rates and is more eager to attract potential customers. Sites with higher bounce rates are usually ranked lower because if your website is not convenient and user-friendly, Google prefers to recommend the one that is. Remember that both your audience and bots aren't patient enough to wait for your website to load for eternity.

Website Positioning Takes Time

You can't expect a website to be ranked higher in just a few days. Even a professional Baltimore SEO agency needs time to analyze a site and prepare a suitable strategy. As soon as you implement all of the alterations on your website and start doing backlinks, it may last up to several months to see the first results of these activities. But no worries. Once the results show up, they will stay with you much longer.

SEO Pays Attention to Security as Well

It may not be common knowledge, but once your website is affected by security breaches, it usually also indicates some severe SEO problems. Lack of security can lead to technical difficulties that result in improper page ranking. If your audience shares information on your site and their data security is compromised, they'll probably lose all trust in your brand.

It's Not That Expensive as You May Think

In comparison to Google Ads, SEO doesn't seem that expensive as many people tend to think. With Google Ads, your website is only promoted when you pay. With SEO, it may not be well publicized at the beginning. Still, as time passes, you build a strong foundation and make your site visible and recognizable after ceasing to pay for website positioning.

It's also known that internet users trust more in organic results than in paid advertising. That's why your website might get more clicks if it's in a “natural” position in the top 10 for the most relevant phrases.

Mobile as a Priority

About 67% of consumers in the US and 87% in the UK use mobile devices. That's why it's pretty essential to provide them with a high-quality, mobile-friendly website. Sites that don't use mobile-responsive design are not well perceived by the online audience and make a nonprofessional impression. Google grants mobile-first websites with better ranks as well, so it's worth considering it. If you have a mobile version of your website, check if it works properly and is error-free. If not, it's high time to invest in one.

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