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Create a User-Friendly Admin Panel for Any Database

We’ve come a long way from storing our files in clunky cardboard registers. We now have sophisticated software that can store infinite amounts of data, but there is always a catch. When looking for a specific piece of data, you may find yourself sifting through numerous files for hours on end. Instead of tearing your hair out while desperately scrolling through unsorted data, pay close attention.

There is a tool available that can put your worries to rest, and we are here to tell you all about it. Let us introduce you to one of our current top picks — StationB, a user-friendly database admin panel.

Organize Your Database

This tool is a must-have for any agency that shares information with its clients. With the help of StationB, you can build a database that is simple to navigate and later modify who has access to what data. StationB allows your users to navigate through well-organized bits of information without having to write any queries.
When it comes to editing, storing, and sorting data, StationB allows you to grant access to multiple users.

These members can also create, update, and delete fields here, depending on your permissions. This tool is highly customizable when it comes to creating a complex network of data availability, and it takes only minutes to create!

Find Data Fast

Use filtered search to save time digging through the chaos of your database. What distinguishes StationB from other data-management software is the ability to set very specific keywords, which saves you time looking for that one file you need to send by the end of the day. When you finally find what you're looking for, StationB lets you download and share it with a single click of a button!

And when it comes to sharing access with your users, all you really need to do is use the white-label option. Simply enter the email address of the person you want to give access to a specific file, and you're done. It's really that easy!

Rebrand for a More Professional Look

Every piece of data you have is valuable, so keep an eye on who has access to your database. You can create groups of white-labeled users and then share all relevant information with that group. So far, so good, right? Another interesting feature provided by StationB is the ability to completely rebrand your database by changing the colors, domain name, and logo!

This allows you to stay on brand while also appearing polished and professional. Additionally, StationB assists you in customizing your DNS configuration so that you are fully operational within a day.

Pricing and Plans

After we've discussed what StationB is all about, let's take a look at their pricing plans and features. There are currently three license tiers available, all of which provide lifetime access to StationB features and future updates. These deals are not stackable, but you can easily upgrade and downgrade between these three tiers. You also get an unlimited number of sources, records, and databases, as well as table exports, white-label options, and search filters.

The main distinction between these three tiers is the number of members that can be added. License Tier 1 costs $69 for ten users, while License Tier 2 ($139) and License Tier 3 ($249) allow for 20 and 50 members, respectively.


So there you have it. You've found the solution to managing your substantial database. StationB was created to do the work for you, so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and never worry about a missing file again. You and your team members will spend far less time sorting through gigabytes of data, and your users will be pleased when they see that your database is simple to navigate and use.

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