Theme Circle

Chameleon WordPress Theme

Chameleon WordPress Theme

Chameleons are known for their ability to change the color of their skin. The patterns and color combinations you find in chameleons are almost endless, and our new theme is no different! Chameleon was created to be a simple and professional theme with loads of customization options that do not require web development experience to utilize.

Chameleon is one of the most customizable themes on the market. It allows you to modify the appearance, layout and settings of your site without knowing PHP or HTML. It also features a clear and crisp design, making it perfect for websites in a variety of industries.

There are a huge number of premium WordPress themes available, but not many can match the functionality of Chameleon. Some of the best features include:

  • Unlimited color schemes via the color control panel
  • Unparalleled range of theme options
  • Editable settings include content layout, search engine optimization and much more
  • Shortcodes let you create complex layouts without touching HTML
  • Variety of page templates including blog, full width and gallery pages
  • Page builder make it easy to change the layout and structure of individual pages
  • Regular updates guarantee the theme is compatible with the latest version of WordPress
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