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6 Simple Ways to Tell It’s Time to Change Your CRM: Signs That You Should Not Ignore

6 Simple Ways to Tell It's Time to Change Your CRM

Is it time to upgrade your CRM system? If you're frustrated by your CRM's limitations or its age, an old database, sloppy email integrations, or a combination of all of the above, you're not alone. It's easy to become set in your ways and make peace with what you've got – you know what it can and cannot do, and you live with it. Recognizing the need for change and raising your game is the first step toward making it happen.

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However, some older CRM systems are behind the times, unable to provide the most up-to-date yet essential capabilities. As a result, many businesses today believe they have outgrown their current CRM system and are considering transferring to another.

If you're one of the business owners or team members considering switching CRM systems, you are at the right place. Continue reading to see if it's finally time to update your CMRs.

1. Your CRM Is Simply Not Enough Anymore

In the beginning, you kept things simple, hired only the people who were essential to your company, and possibly even worked out of what could only be described as a shoebox rather than an office.

But your company grew over time. Now, you have departments, more significant projects, more people. And all of them need to work, collaborate, and do their jobs efficiently. An old CMR isn't going to help because it may lack many necessary features. Some of the most common drawbacks of older systems include the inability to communicate with customers, the complexity of integration, the lack of automation, etc.

As a result of all these issues, your database structure is now antiquated. Functional capabilities have decreased, most of your day-to-day is challenging to navigate, and requires way too many workarounds. No business can function this way, especially one that aims to thrive and expand as time goes on. If you see any of your current CMR in this paragraph, it's high time to jump ship.

2. UI and UX Are Both Mildly Disappointing

The number one thing every customer or user is looking for these days is a fantastic customer experience. It may surprise you to hear this, but this is even more important than the product or service you're offering during the early stages. The more appealing the UI experience appears to be, the better. We strive to improve the user interface and user experience with each step forward in the CRM evolution.

There is nothing more irritating than trying to figure out a system intended to make your everyday tasks easier and allow you to multitask? Nobody wants to waste time interpreting button and field names or getting trapped in a maze of illogical or inexplicable options.

And yes, while this may seem like it lacks substance, ask yourself one question. Would you buy anything in a physical store where you can't find your way around, and there appears to be no one willing to assist you?

The answer is most likely no, which is valid for online businesses also. Simplicity and style are the names of the game, so if you're having problems in this area, don't be afraid to consider a new CMR.

3. Reporting by Hand

Reporting and analytics are just some of the key metrics of a growing business. If your current system makes any of the tasks mentioned above tricky, we have news for you.

Running reporting and analyzing your entire business structure takes a lot of time and effort. These reports are a hassle to put together, whether they're for your annual report or an upcoming board meeting. When you can't get reliable, timely information when you need it, it's challenging to make smart decisions.

Data-driven business decisions are the most effective. So, if you're still doing some of it by hand, you're not only wasting time but also introducing human error into the mix, which can be challenging to detect and correct in massive reports.

4. No Cloud

Because your system isn't cloud-based, you won't access it through the internet. To maintain efficiency, ensure that employees can access CRM data from any location. This is especially important in today's world, where more and more people work from home. Remote work allows for greater flexibility but also opens doors to collaborate with experts all around the world. Plus, it can make certain aspects of your business, like 24/7 tech support, more viable due to different time zones.

5. Limited Security

Even startups need maximum security; your data is valuable, and the more you grow, the more the chance of you becoming a target. This ties into our previous point in two ways. The first one is, if you have a remote workforce, there's a higher chance of them working from public places such as coffee shops or even parks. If your security is weak, this can potentially get dangerous. The second is, well, obvious. It's the internet; everything is somewhat unsafe unless you go the extra mile.

So, if your current system has insufficient security safeguards, consider upgrading. Employees should always have access to only the data they need, and they should be able to access it safely. If you don't put enough safeguards in place, you risk unauthorized access to your data.

6. No GDRP Protocols

CRM software allows you to save information about prospects and customers. This also means the method used to save said data in your CRM must comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR in short.

Much has been said recently about GDPR, including how it affects sales and marketing and the potentially harsh consequences for businesses that fail to follow its guidelines.

A GDPR-compliant CRM system will not only help you avoid legal issues, but it will also make legally obtaining data and subscription details much more accessible. It will also help you update your existing database so that only the necessary information is legally stored.

If your existing CRM does not provide GDPR-compliant features, this is a huge red flag that you need to upgrade.

Final Thoughts

A business's CRM is like a central hub for the entire company. If yours is lagging is behind, a lot can happen, and things can quickly go wrong. If you happen to recognize your CRM in some of the red flags we listed today, it's high time you consider getting something better.

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